Let's take a look at Abraham's story in Genesis. Here is an overview... Abraham and Sara have been married for a while. They are longing for a son, but they have not yet received one. The culture of this time held having a son of very HIGH importance. This is how a father kept his bloodline going. Needless to say, having a son is something Abraham and Sara felt they could not live without. It is in the beginning of Genesis 15 that we start to see Abraham's impatience and despair (v.2-3). Abraham asks questions that many of us ask today... "Lord what good is what you give me if I don't have a husband, if I don't have a child, if I don't get this promotion, if I don't look this certain way...?" The list goes on. Like Abraham we begin to place our identity in the GIFTS God gives rather than the gift of His presence! I can always spot this in my life when I start having thoughts such as "if I have (insert desire), then I'll be happy." NO! I have Christ, and that is where my joy is (Nehemiah 8:10)! The gifts He gives are always to come secondary to the gift of relationship with Him. He wants our hearts, and to be our first priority. He is the lover of our souls! Anyway... immediately after Abraham complains God makes Him a promise (isn't it crazy how faithful He is even when we are faithless!?). He promises that Abraham WILL have a son to be the heir to his inheritance (v.5-6). Better yet, He promises Him better than what Abraham wanted for Himself (sidenote: His blessings are ALWAYS better than what we desire for ourselves or could attain on our own strength)!!
Fast forward... Abraham and Sara wait 10 years and are still childless (now in ch. 16). Sara becomes impatient, and doubts God's promise. She tells her husband to have sex with their servant, Hagar, so she can have his child (crazy lady!). Hagar births a son and names him Ishmael. The description of Ishmael's life (v.11-12) is crazy. He is destined to be wild and in constant tribulation with everyone, including his family. This, my friends, is the product of getting ahead of God's timing. We have ALL birthed Ishmael's in our lives. We have rushed ahead of God, and created catastrophes. I've rushed ahead of God specifically in relationships...I've birthed nothing but heartache (for myself and others), insecurity, and guilt! Getting ahead of God makes our lives harder. I mean, imagine Sara having to watch a child grow that reminded her constantly of her husband sleeping with another woman. Ishmael was a constant reminder that Sara did not have the one thing she wanted most in the world. Obtaining what we thing we desire outside of God never satisfies!
But God's grace....
Fast forward (last one! stick with me!)... Abraham is now 99 years old without a son from Sara (now in ch. 21), which knowing human biology means it is likely that his promise from God is not coming. Yet, it is NOW that God brings forth His promise (v.2, he is actually 100 years old when Isaac is born!). Yeah, our God is crazy awesome like that! Even though Abraham and Sara disobeyed God and stopped believing in His promise He STILL faithfully brought forth His promise. God does not promise anything He is not faithful to bring to us! Lastly, it is so profound what God says in v.12-13! Sara asks that Abraham banish his first son, Ishmael. The Lord tells him to comply to her request, but also tells him that Ishmael will be BLESSED! Woow! Although, in many cases we will have to part with the Ishmael's we birth (which is a painful process) God promises us that what we birthed will be blessed! He loves us so greatly! We are faithless, and He is faithful beyond what we could think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)
All of this to say... No matter where you are in life, take heart God will meet you there. If you are in a place of waiting for your "Isaac", then KEEP WAITING! God is faithful to fulfill every promise He has made to you. Embrace this time of waiting. He is preparing you for the blessing He is going to bring you. Your promotion is coming, your husband/wife is coming, healing is coming, deliverance is coming, your ISAAC is coming! Delight in the Lord (Psalm 37:4) Have you birthed some "Ishmael's"? It's alright! Lay them at Jesus' feet. Seek His guidance, and trust Him with them. He will bless them AND bring your "Isaac." How awesome is that? Our God is good, loving, and faithful!
My prayer is this encourages you to wait on Him, cast your cares and Ishmael's upon Him, and trust in His love. He is absolutely crazy in love with you!!
"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31